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Automating and Digitizing the Logistics Industry

With new technological advancement surrounding the logistics industry, it is hard to find the right one suitable for a specific sector. Many developments have emerged in the market and the competition for the best one is still going on. With the desire to create a more diverse and innovative environment, we often forget what is

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Retail featured image

What is Retail?

Retail is the sale of goods to end users, not for resale, but for use and consumption by the purchaser. Thus, retailing refers to the sale of goods or commodities in small quantities sold directly to ultimate consumers. Over the last decade, the retail industry has gone through major changes which have resulted in the

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Postal featured image

The Importance of Postal Services

Internet competition has had a major impact on the demand for postal services. Even before we moved into the digital age and have our fancy electronic way of communication, postal services are a necessity. It allows people to send just about anything to any part of the world. Though we have an advanced way of

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Ecommerce featured image

Success and Failure in E-commerce

The Internet has experienced exponential growth over the past years. Innovations have made possible the operations of the computer easy enough in processing record systems such as the creation of data records, storing, filing and retrieval of data. As part of innovation, the computer and the Internet became part of our needs. One of the

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